Colorado Plateau

Tapped Out

This painting was inspired by the incredibly beautiful and bizarre Canyonlands in Utah and the reality of climate change. Even


Just a sweet, simple view, looking upstream from Lee’s ferry. This is where all river trips launch and start their long jour

Where The Spirits Roam

Original in private collection Signed and numbered archival prints available. Matted for standard frame sizes: 20×24″, 16×

Jerome, AZ

Original in private collection Signed and numbered archival prints available. Matted for standard frame sizes: 18×24″, 16×

Pollinator Pathways Mural Project ~ Panels 1 ~ 5

The “Pollinator Pathway” paintings, are the original renderings that I conceptualized for the “Pollinator Pathways Mural

Our Only One

You are standing on the edge of the Kaibab Monocline, gazing into Grand Canyon and beyond. The Bears Ears, Hopi Mesas, and the

Who Am I ?

If you ever stop to observe the raven (Corvus corax), you will soon realize that they are highly intelligent and social creatu

The Eye Of Odin

This painting is inspired by Lava Falls, the Granddaddy of all rapids in Grand Canyon. It’s a muddy river with storm clouds


“Bija” is a Sanskrit word that translates to “seed”. Do not think of a literal “seed” but more like a seed of an i

Will A Way

 I’ve seen all sorts of trees, shrubs and cacti growing right out of the side of a cliff with virtually no soil or soft spo

Crack In Time

Ah, the amazing American Southwest. Whether you’re in Grand Canyon or driving through the Navajo Reservation, witnessing the