Advocacy & Current Events

Home of the Purple Sage

With nearly 200 full length commercial river trips under my belt, I have only had the opportunity to visit this very magical p

You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone

Just as the Lorax speaks for the trees, I speak for animals all living beings. The mammals of Flagstaff and our surrounding fo

Tapped Out

This painting was inspired by the incredibly beautiful and bizarre Canyonlands in Utah and the reality of climate change. Even

Our Love Will Not Fade Away

One of the many wonderful things about our Flagstaff community, is the live music we create, dance to and appreciate together.

Pollinator Pathways Mural Project ~ Panels 1 ~ 5

The “Pollinator Pathway” paintings, are the original renderings that I conceptualized for the “Pollinator Pathways Mural

Our Only One

You are standing on the edge of the Kaibab Monocline, gazing into Grand Canyon and beyond. The Bears Ears, Hopi Mesas, and the

The Golden Heart

This image is an archetypal representation of the masculine and feminine energies, yin and yang forces or light and shadow sph

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Are we having fun yet? I sure hope you think it was worth it. Now look what we have done! There’s no way to reserve it. Don

Where Are We Going?

Where are we going? Are you sure this is the way? You said we were going to the place we used to play. What happened to the wa


  Wetiko is derived from an Algonquin word, in Ojibwa it is windigo, wintiko in Powhatan and wihtikow in Cree. The literal tr

The Old Trees

  ~ in honor of my Grandmother, Alvina ~ The oldest Bristlecone Pine Tree (pinus longaeva) is over 5000 years old, making it


“Escalade – noun. a scaling of fortified walls using ladders as a form of attack or assault.”    The “Escalade” is