We provide food and water for our backyard birds. One cannot begin to help notice over the years, which birds are residents and which birds migrate and about what time of year they come and go. Although, I do feel like that is changing! I started taking note in my calendar when we’d get the first sighting of a grosbeak or hummingbird for example. While this painting does not include a complete list of wild Urban Flagstaff birds, its’s a good lot of them. And, then there are the more rare sightings that get one to get find the bird book and binoculars to identify something new, like the Lazuli Bunting, Cedar Waxwing or the Pine Grosbeak. Just the other day, I saw a Scrub Jay! (The kind of Jay you’d normally see in Prescott or Sedona.) The guide book might tell you that these birds are out of range or elevation, but let’s not forget that our climate is rapidly changing and species evolve and adapt. Keep your eyes open, we could very likely begin to see more and more lower elevation birds visiting Flagstaff!
Starting with the Raven, going down the right side and up the left: Raven, Robin, Stellar Jay, Red-backed Junco, Acorn Woodpecker, Pygmy Nuthatch, Northern Flicker, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Masked Chickadee, Western Bluebirds, White Breasted Nuthatch, Great Horned Owl and Evening Grosbeak.
Original in Private Collection
Matted, signed and numbered archival prints available: 14×24″