This image is an archetypal representation of the masculine and feminine energies, yin and yang forces or light and shadow spheres , coming together in perfect balance and in love. When we as individuals (we all posses BOTH qualities), or as couples or as a human species come together in this way, we transcend duality and become whole again. In our wholeness we are powerful and sturdy like a tree and we have a strong foundation from which we can manifest a beautiful world to live and create in. It is a balanced world where we both nurture and receive. In many indigenous cultures, the turtle is one of the oldest symbols for Mother Earth. The Earth, too is a living organism and with her divine intelligence she is also seeking out the balance. Through love, we are able to see that we are not separate from our Mother Earth, from each other or any other living creature. We can see that our wholeness and our health, our vitality and joy depends upon all of us opening our hearts. With the Golden Heart we can change the world.
Original in Private Collection
Signed & Numbered Archival prints available: 20×24, 16×20 or 11×14 and 5×7 art card
Hi Erica!
I purchased a card featuring The Golden Heart at a gift shop in Flagstaff, AZ. I love it so much!
Would like to purchase the 16×20 matted print for $100.
Please let me know how to pay/order?
Thank you!