“Satori” is a Sanskrit word that means a flash of enlightenment or sudden awareness and understanding. This experience can be brought on by practices such as yoga and meditation, or by witnessing a birth or death. Some people experience Satori through seeing intense beauty in nature or by being swept up in the powerful forces that shape and shift the Earth.
During a series of storms, in October of 2010, myself, crew and passengers experienced many moments of “Satori” as one usually does in Grand Canyon! We had been seeking shelter from the rain up at the Nankoweap Granaries (the view I depict in the painting). The overhang protected us and kept us dry, making it so obvious why the Ancient Ones chose this spot to store their food. As we headed down towards the river, it started raining harder. By the time we were going downstream, the sky had burst open with pounding sheets of rain.
Some of you may know what it is like to be in the main artery, we call the Colorado River, while all of its tributaries are spewing forth with liquid dirt and rocks. Pummeled Earth carried by airborne water coats the inside of your nose and throat so that all you can smell and taste are our primordial roots. Sediments swirl all around you to create a palate of 1.8 billion years of Earth’s history. You become one with your surroundings, time stands still, the mind is rendered speechless and still. You remember that you are a part of the Earth, and you always have been. Soon, the analyzing mind takes over and the moment is lost to the next. But, that is what Satori is, only a glimpse of what enlightenment may be like. It is helpful to remember that we can experience Satori again and again, no matter where we are or what we are doing. We have access to it in every moment. While the mind can be highly intelligent and insightful, the mind often perceives through past experiences and holds us back from truly being in the present moment and living life to its fullest. We should also remember that the wisdom of the Ancient Ones is still here with us. They want to assist us and their wisdom is embedded in the collective consciousness and even in our DNA.
…….and the Ancient Ones were with us that day, smiling, protecting and guiding us all along the way.
Original Painting available ~ contact Erica
Matted signed and numbered archival prints available: 16×36 or 10×20