This painting was inspired by my time living in Costa Rica. The lushness of that green, jungle world was intoxicating to the senses. Everywhere you looked, there was life upon life upon life. It was hard to tell where one plant began and another ended, what was decaying and what was growing and sometimes you couldn’t even distinguish an animal from a tree! What an amazing realization to see the jungle as one thriving, pulsing organism where everything was dependent on everything else. This place haunts the corners my dreams and my memories I hold very dear. It has been over 5 years now since I’ve visited that beautiful country and its’ kind, sincere people. Costa Rica will always have a special place in my heart and I hope one day to bring my husband and son to share in the wonders of the rich, green jungle.
Need help and direction in creating your own, amazing Costa Rica experience? Visit my hard working, fun loving friends who run the Adventure/Spanish immersion school. More info here: http://adventurespanishschool.com/
Original in private collection.
Matted, signed and numbered archival prints available: 20×30, 16×24 or 11×17