It is our thinking mind that names, labels and separates everything, when in fact, everything is connected
See how the tree is not just a tree it is a part of a circle
When it breathes, it gives life to the clouds, which are not just the clouds but a part of a cycle
The clouds give birth to the rain, which is not just the rain but the rivers and oceans too
Which feed the soil that feed the roots that feed the tree so that we can breathe
It is all connected, this circle of life, this includes you and me
We have our ancestors, our children, our friends, our lovers
We have been and will always be a part of each other
And we will change and take different shapes, so it is important to remember
We are all a pieces of a bigger puzzle
No beginning or end and the picture becomes clear
We are part of the whole and have nothing to fear
It is always this moment, it is always today
We are always at some point along the way
I was living in Costa Rica when I heard of the passing of Tim Whitney. This painting and poem is inspired by him. We love you, Tim!
Original Painting in private collection
Matted, signed and numbered archival prints available: 16×16 or 12×12